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Terms and conditions


Article 1:  General remarks

The present conditions are concluded between the company (S.A.S.) "Paris Automédon Services" (P.A.S.) company with a capital of 25 000 €, RCS  Paris 811 792 415 000 10, indicated as the "seller" and his customer indicated as the "buyer".

  • Before any transactions, the buyer recognizes to have acquainted with our general terms of sale dedicated to the professionals as well as to the private individuals and to approve them.
  • The buyer recognizes to be completely decision-making or to arrange the authorization of the person fitness to make a commitment for any present or future orders.
  • The company maintains the exclusive right to modify at any time and without advance notice the present general conditions.

Article 2:  Price

The prices are indicated on the page of the site include the VAT at the rate (susceptible to updating) fixed by the regulations in force and varying according to the type of service. The price list includes the service driver , the fueland compulsory insurances were dedicated to the people transported for a fee. The expenses of parking lot, tolls, meal or other one and possibly the expenses of accomodation of the driver are chargeable to the costumer. An estimate can be established on request, consequently, the customer knows the price in advance during the reservation. Our prices are subjet to modification without advance notice and those indicated on our estimate are valid 30 days. For the services assured the night 10 pm at 7am, the weekend and the holidays, the prices are increased.

Article 3:  Reservation 

The reservations are made by e-mail at the latest 48 hours before the beginning of the service, a confirmation will have returned to the costumer. By the reservation, the costumer accepts general terms of sale and makes a commitment to settle a deposit to validate it. 

  • In case of nonpayment, P.A.S. reserves the right to cancel a reservation.
  • All the information necessary for the progress of the service will have to be communicated by the costumer and P.A.S. cannot be held responsible for consequences of a false or incomplete information.
  • In case of absence of the customer in the meeting during a service, the reservation is definitively lost, P.A.S. will not make refund.
  • In the case of a delay, not indicated, a customer in the meeting of coverage, the driver of the driver of the company will wait 30 minutes, after this period and without contact of the customer, the reservation is cancelled and P.A.S. will not make refund.
  • Any modification of the service will be taken into account subjet to the availability.
  • Any modification of the route by the customer during the service can engender supplements.
  • Any modification or cancellation on behalf of the customer must be notified to P.A.S. at least 24 hours in advance.
  • P.A.S. will not make refund for any cancellation or modification after the deadline.
  • In case of reimbursement, P.A.S. will deduct the sum of 25 € to cover the costs of French files and 50 € for the costs of foreign files.
  • The weight of luggage is limited in 25 kg and the volume is determined to the fact that a person can transport all on his own, in case of surplus, P.A.S. kindly requests you to indicate it during the reservation.

Article 4:  Responsibility

As any service of transport of people, P.A.S. has a best effort undertaking and not of results.

  • P.A.S. cannot be held responsible for delays because of the customer and for direct or indirect consequences as well as for any other spending, damage, delays, losses or additional disturbances.
  • P.A.S. is assured by an insurance contract the conditions planned for the transport of the passagers and their luggage, we cannot be held responsible in case of loss, of theft or of forgetting of a luggage luggage either any other good or property of a costumer staying under his responsibility).
  • P.A.S. excludes any responsibility in conformance with expenses, losses, costs or damage whatever they are.
  • P.A.S. cannot be held responsible for conditions of traffic, technical problems of the vehicle, the demonstrations, the strikes, the meteorological problems, the cases of absolute necessity, the problems of safety and its direct or indirect consequences and any the spending, the losses, the damage, the delays or additional disturbances.
  • P.A.S. makes a commitment to respect and to enforce the current laws (speed limit, seat belt wearing, smoking ban in the vehicle, ...). Les fines caused by the failure to respect the legislation will be chargeable to the customer.
  • P.A.S. reserves the right to refuse the coverage of a customer if this one already badly behaved or if this one has already made the object of a non-payment during a previous journey.
  • P.A.S. is not held rsponsible for expenses or compensations generated by the oversightof identity papers or others on behalfof the costumer , on no account, we shall make refund.
  • P.A.S. reserves the right to refuse the coverage of a customer under the influence of drink or under the influence of drug or the mental or physical state of wich establishes a threat or having a dangerous or offensive behavior to the other passengers or  the driver of the vehicle and representing a danger for the good progress of the service. On no account the company will make refund.
  • P.A.S. forbids the customer and cannot be held responsible for the transport of stunning products, for weapons, for hazardous materials (explosive, flammable, toxic, etc...) as well as any product susceptible to disturb, to hamper or to make dirty.
  • P.A.S. reserves the right to require repair or compensations in case of degradation of the vehicle by a customer.
  • P.A.S. makes a commitment to take all the necessary measures to stop a bad behavior of a customer and cannot be held responsible for expenses commited in conformance with one or several commited offences or with claim for compensation. The cost of whatever nature of the fact either within the frame work of a possible stop or a rerouting of the service will be of the responsibility of the costumer agitator and at his expense.
  • P.A.S. accepts pets on condition that they are placed in a cage of transport and on condition that this one can be introduced inside the vehicle. They will not have to either make dirty, or disturb, or hamper the passengers.
  • P.A.S. cannot be held responsible for consequences of the accidents animals of which would have been the object, nor damage which they could cause.

Article 5:  Confidentiality

P.A.S makes a commitment to respect the confidentiality of the information relative to the customers.

  • In law enforcement "computing and freedom" N° 78-17 of january 6th, 1978, the costumer has an access right in the information concerning him and has the possibility of making them modify or to ask their abolitions. Any request concerning these data must be sent , by post, in the head office.

Article 6:  Payment

Accepted method of payement:

  • Cash in euros.
  • Bank transfer.
  • In certain cases, we can accept foreign currencies USD, GBP, CAD, AUD, CHF, PLN or JPY, in the case of a depiction of currency, it will be made only in euros.
  • Checks in euros are only accepted in the case of a total regulation of the invoice and it is true 45 days before the date of the service.

Any complaint is acceptable only in 8 days which follow the service.

Quite dispute is a matter of the court of the place of the head office that is Paris.

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